• Sund Rock Marine Preserve

Sund Rock Marine Preserve

Join us on a trip to the Hood Canal to experience one of our favorite dive sites in all of Washington! We book the entire site to maintain the best experience for our divers.

Prices vary, starting at $225 + tax

Starting from

Availability: In Stock

Join us on a trip to the Hood Canal to experience one of our favorite dive sites in all of Washington! We book the entire site to maintain the best experience for our divers. Giant Pacific Octopus, wolf eels, giant nudibranchs and a plethora of marine fish and invertebrates to explore in this longstanding marine preserve.

Base options include guided dives (no gear rental) to full gear rental. Private Tours available upon request.

What’s Included:

  • Professionally fitted gear, including two-piece 7mm wet suit, BCD/regulator with console and integrated weights, mask, snorkel, fins, hood, gloves, boots, and tanks.
  • Bringing all you own gear – except tanks and weights? Contact us to review your gear and get the Gear Discount Code
    • All gear must be cold water rated (BCDs with adequate lift for weighting, environmental seal on regualators, and adequate exposure protection)
  • 2 guided dives with a dive professional
  • Group size limited to 4 guests with dive professional and surface support
  • Add-on packages (including t-shirts, specialties and more) available in the booking system


Must be a certified diver to join (PADI Open Water or equivalent)*
For your safety and enjoyment, requirements of a certified diver for this trip are:

  • Have been diving in the past 5 years or taken a refresher course (recommended every 2 years, you may be asked to show your log book)
  • Able to carry heavy gear on shore and surface swim against a mild to moderate current in open water
  • Able to independently maintain buoyancy.
  • Comfortable diving in a group of up to 4 divers

If you fall outside of these requirements, please contact info@seattledivetours.com to schedule a scuba review or private guide prior to booking.

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