• Standard Morning Two Tank Tours

Standard Morning Two Tank Tours

Our most popular tours. Price includes all rental gear, small groups and professional, experienced dive guide.
Price: $245 +Taxes and Fees

Starting from

Availability: In Stock

Note: Some sites will have higher pricing due to entry/marine park or other associated fees

What’s Included:

  • Professionally fitted gear, including two-piece 7mm wet suit, BCD/regulator with console and integrated weights, mask, snorkel, fins, hood, gloves, boots, and tanks.
  • Bringing all you own gear – except tanks and weights? Contact us to review your gear and get the Gear Discount Code
    • All gear must be cold water rated (BCDs with adequate lift for weighting, environmental seal on regualators, and adequate exposure protection)
  • 2 guided dives with a dive professional
  • Group size limited to 4 guests with dive professional and surface support
  • Complimentary beverages, towels, sunscreen and more.
  • Add-on packages (including t-shirts, specialties and more) available in the booking system


Must be a certified diver to join (PADI Open Water or equivalent)*
For your safety and enjoyment, requirements of a certified diver for this trip are:

  • Have been diving in the past 5 years or taken a refresher course (recommended every 2 years, you may be asked to show your log book)
  • Able to carry heavy gear on shore and surface swim against a mild to moderate current in open water
  • Able to independently maintain buoyancy.
  • Comfortable diving in a group of up to 4 divers

If you fall outside of these requirements, please contact info@seattledivetours.com to schedule a scuba review or private guide.

*certain dive sites may have higher requirements due to environmental conditions, entry/exit difficulties or other limiting factors

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